Thigh Lift in Philadelphia
Introduction to Thigh Lift
The legs you’ve always dreamed of!
At Lohner Plastic Surgery in Philadelphia, thigh lift is a very common body procedure. As people age or undergo weight fluctuations, loose, flabby tissue along the thigh can occur. This can affect both self-image and confidence. Certain clothing, including bathing suits, may seem off-limits; pants and jeans can become very uncomfortable. Unfortunately, diet and exercise alone cannot make a change in the stubborn tissue of the thigh. There are innovative surgical procedures available however, that can restore a thin, youthful appearance to the thighs and upper legs.
Our Philadelphia thigh lift patients find that the surgery greatly benefits their lives by providing them more self-confidence in the way they look and fit into their clothes. Dr. Ronald Lohner prides himself on patient saftey and satisfaction. Below, we’ve included information about the procedure and some frequently asked questions.
What is a Thigh Lift?
Let’s start with the basics
The Thigh Lift, or thighplasty, is a procedure designed to bring balance and proportion to the thighs. By removing excess skin and fat, the thigh will become smoother with an attractive contour. This procedure can provide excellent results even when performed alone. To obtain optimal benefits, however, this procedure can be combined with a Tummy Tuck or Mommy Makeover.
What are the Benefits of a Thigh Lift?
As one of the most established plastic surgery practices in Pennsylvania, we’ve had the joy of performing lots of thigh lift in Philadelphia. We’ve included some of the advantages of the surgery:
- Achieve the sexy v-gap you’ve always desired
- Gain more self-confidence!
- Rid your legs of extra skin that is unattractive or uncomfortable
Results speak for
Who are the Best Candidates for a Thigh Lift?
The best candidate for this procedure will be someone with excess soft, fatty tissue, and redundant skin on the outer or inner thigh. Patients should have a relatively stable weight, be in overall good health, understand the procedure, and have reasonable expectations for their results. At the consultation appointment with Dr. Lohner, it will be determined if this is the right procedure to meet the individual’s unique needs.
What’s the First Step?
Potential patients should begin this process by doing research. Options include the most limited procedure known as a medial lift. Other options include lateral lifts, longitudinal lifts, or the rarest form, the proximal circumferential lift. Some are performed in combination with operations such as a tummy tuck or total Body Lift. Once the surgical techniques, recovery time, and expected results are understood, it will be time to schedule a consultation at Lohner Plastic Surgery.
During the first visit with Dr. Lohner, he will take a complete medical history, review current medications, perform a quick physical exam, and get to know the patient’s desires for aesthetic correction. Dr. Lohner will show Before/After photos of his recent surgeries to assist patients to visualize their potential results. If this is determined to be the right procedure to meet the specific needs of the patient, an individualized surgical plan will be created.
Rest assured that you’ll be in great care, as Dr. Ronald Lohner is a board-certified plastic surgeon and a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
How to Prepare for Thigh Lift Surgery?
Once your surgery has been scheduled, you are only steps away from the more slender, contoured legs you have been dreaming about. Take just a few minutes to read over all of the post-operative instructions that are given by Dr. Lohner during the consultation. If any questions arise, contact the office for an explanation. Think about the following key points, as well:
Arrange for transportation home from the surgical center, as well as help over the first few days. Have a friend or family member assist with small chores for your children.
Pick up prescriptions and supplies before the day of your surgery. This can include extra pillows, ice packs, easy-to-prepare meals, and extra reading materials.
Take plenty of time off from work or school to fully recover. On average, people need from one to two weeks to comfortably heal. Also, plan for the follow-up appointments with Dr. Lohner; never skip an office visit, even if you feel well.
What are the Potential Risks of a Thigh Lift?
Dr. Lohner has been performing this procedure in the Philadelphia area for over 15 years; he is specially trained to provide patients with the most innovative treatments available today. This surgery is considered very safe when performed by a Board Certified cosmetic surgeon like Dr. Lohner. As it is a surgical procedure however, there is always the rare chance complications may occur. If so, these can include infection, excessive bleeding, scarring asymmetry, fluid accumulation, and numbness.
Longitudinal Thigh Lift
The Longitudinal Lift will involve an incision running down the inner thigh, from the groin area to the knee. This technique can provide excellent improvement in the shape and contour of the thigh. The only drawback of this procedure is a scar running down the inner thigh to the knee that can show in swimwear or under short clothing.
Medial Lift
The Medial Lift involves an incision running along the pelvic crease or bikini line around the body towards the hip. Also referred to as a Short Scar Thigh Lift, this procedure results in a scar that is easily concealed under almost all clothing. The Medial Lift only provides correction for the upper 1/3 of just the inside thigh. While excess skin and fat are removed, the procedure is unable to correct the full thigh.
Once the incisions have been made, excess fatty tissue and skin will be excised from the thigh. Liposuction may be included in the procedure to further sculpt the leg. Once the desired aesthetic results have been achieved, Dr. Lohner will place sutures to allow for proper healing.
Thighplasty Recovery
“immediate improvement can be seen in the thigh’s appearance”
Patients need to give themselves about 1-2 weeks to recover from their lift. Initially, bruising and swelling will occur; this will resolve over the next two to three weeks. There may be a ‘tight’ feeling in the thighs, temporary numbness along the surgical area, and mild discomfort for several days. Dr. Lohner will prescribe appropriate pain medications to keep patients comfortable at home. Antibiotics may be prescribed as well, to prevent the risk for infection.
A compression garment will be required for several weeks, to alleviate swelling and assist the healing process. Strenuous activity should be postponed for at least four to six weeks. After seven to ten days, patients will normally feel well enough to return to work. While immediate improvement can be seen in the thigh’s appearance, as the swelling resolves, the full results of the thighplasty can be seen. This may take a few months to ameliorate.
How much does a Thigh Lift Cost in Philadelphia?
At your initial consultation, Dr. Lohner will go over the procedures and the costs involved. The cost varies of getting a thigh lift in Philadelphia will vary depending on the surgical technique. This includes the surgeon’s fee, the anesthesiologist, and the hospital charges.
Schedule Your Consultation
If you’d like to schedule a consultation for a thigh lift in Philadelphia with Dr. Lohner, please contact us today. Our thigh lift patients have been very excited about the procedure the added benefits they are able to notice in their day-to-day lives.