Dermabrasion in Philadelphia

Introduction Dermabrasion
Say goodbye to unwanted scars!
At our boutique practice in Bryn Mawr, on the Mainline of Philadelhia, Dermabrasion is a popular procedure for patients who want to reduce the signs of visual scars. Below, we’ve included more information about the procedure. If you’d like to book a consultation with Dr. Lohner, please contact us today!

What Are the Benefits of Dermabrasion?
The procedure can be performed quickly and usually take minutes to an hour and a half, depending on the area(s) that require treatment. These actions can enhance both one’s outward appearance and confidence, but it should be noted that scarring cannot be entirely removed.

How Is This Technique Performed?
During dermabrasion, Dr. Lohner will scrape away the surface layer of skin and continue until reaching a point where the scar is hardly visible.
What Are the Side Effects of Dermabrasion?
While dermabrasion is safe for those of all ages and genders, those with darker skin types can have complexions permanently discolored or blotchy following treatment. Those who suffer from allergic reactions, cold sores, or other skin conditions may experience a flare-up, while freckles may never again appear in the area being treated. Dr. Lohner will consult with you to determine whether these skin-refinishing techniques are right for you.