A Neck Lift Will Let You Say Goodbye to Your Turkey Neck
Do you wear a turtleneck or scarf to hide your “turkey neck”? Many people tend to forget about their neck when it comes to a skin care routine, but our necks have a significant impact on our appearance. The skin on your neck may begin to sag as a result of aging or weight loss and is often affected before the face. Loose neck muscles can lead to an appearance of bands on the neck or severe drooping of the skin. A neck lift is a surgical procedure that can smooth and tighten the skin on the neck and provide a more toned and youthful appearance.
As with the skin on your face, a variety of factors including lifestyle, environmental conditions, heredity, and stress affect your neck skin. Some non-surgical options can help mild to moderate sagging and help slow down the aging process, but if you have severe sagging and excess skin, a neck lift is the only procedure that will provide a full correction. Visible signs of aging in the neck can include sagging skin and tissue, excess fatty deposits under the chin, and muscle banding in the neck (aka the “wattle.”) These signs of aging add unwanted years to your appearance and may even make you appear heavier than you are. If your neck does not match your upper facial appearance, a neck lift may be an excellent option for you.
A neck lift (Platysmaplasty) tightens the neck muscles and removes excess fat and skin restoring the youthful contours of your jawline, chin, and neck and rejuvenating your appearance. Dr. Lohner performs a neck lift under general anesthesia. Bruising and swelling are normal and will subside within the first week following surgery. Recovery time varies based on your procedure; however, most patients return to regular activity in one to two weeks. You will see a noticeable improvement in the contour of your neck after your recovery, but it may take up to six months to see your full results.
If you are tired of feeling self-conscious about your neck, call [primary_phone] to schedule your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Lohner and find out if you are a good candidate for a neck lift. Dr. Lohner will discuss your aesthetic goals, answer your questions, and help you create a customized treatment plan.
Dr. Ronald Lohner is an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon based in Philadelphia. He completed his undergraduate education at Dartmouth College and medical school at UMDNJ-Rutgers. Dr. Lohner holds a faculty appointment at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, and his peers have selected him as a Philadelphia-area Top Doctor for the last ten years. You can locate the office at [primary_address] in [primary_city], [primary_statefull], on the Main Line.