Questions About Breast Reduction Answered
Any surgery can be intimidating when you’re just starting to consider it. Breast reduction can offer its patients a remarkable change for the better, but even so, a surgery is an involved procedure and there are a lot of questions to answer. The patients who seek breast reduction understand the basic idea behind it, but there are many aspects that remain unknown. An experienced, credentialed plastic surgeon is the best source of information for breast reduction surgery. While you’re waiting to attend that first breast reduction consultation, here are some of the biggest questions that could be weighing on your mind.
Does My Medical Insurance Cover Breast Reduction Surgery?
There isn’t a straightforward answer to this question because it really depends on your situation. Breast reductions can be covered by your insurance under the right circumstances, but you will have to discuss matters with your primary care physician and your plastic surgeon alike. Most of the patients seeking breast reduction surgery do so because their overly large breasts cause chronic pain and discomfort, physical limitations, social anxieties, emotional trauma, and more. Breasts that are too large can get in the way of life and, therefore, are a health issue. In this scenario, a breast reduction is considered a medical treatment and not just an aesthetic option. Many health insurance companies will provide coverage to these women.
If this sounds right to you, it’s probably not news that your breasts could be causing true medical problems. Start by talking to your general practitioner about your symptoms, which may include pain in the shoulders, neck, and back. Work together to find short-term and long-term solutions, which will likely include a consultation with a plastic surgeon.
I Can Pick the Cup Size I Want, Right?
Many prospective patients assume that reducing the size of their breasts means they’ll be able to choose their own final size. In reality, your plastic surgeon won’t be able to take orders like that. Instead of aiming for a size, your surgeon will perform the breast reduction to remove the right amount of tissue and fat to alleviate your pain and other symptoms. The focus will be on achieving a balance between your breasts and your body. Of course, if you’d like to have breasts that are a little smaller or a little larger than your surgeon’s plans, don’t be shy to mention it. After all, you’ll be living with these new breasts for the rest of your life, so you want to be satisfied with the end result.
Because you won’t have a guaranteed size ahead of time, hold off on shopping for new bras too early. Following surgery, you will be fitted with special surgical bandages and a bra that will help to support your healing breasts throughout recovery. During this time, you’ll have plenty of time to get your measurements done and start trying on smaller sized bras.
Is Breast Reduction Surgery Really Painful?
Breasts are perhaps one of the more sensitive areas of a woman’s anatomy, so it’s logical to assume that any breast surgery would be painful. However, once surgery is over and recovery begins many patients are surprised at how manageable their pain really is. You should expect mild to moderate pain which will come and go as you heal. Using cold compresses, prescription pain medication, and other strategies can help you to get through your toughest days. Eventually, the swelling, soreness, and bruising will subside and you’ll be on your way to fully healing. Get lots of rest and follow your plastic surgeon’s instructions closely for best results.
Will My Nipples Be Affected By Breast Reduction Surgery?
One of the biggest myths about breast surgeries is that the nipples will lose all feeling as a result. While the nipples must be surgically moved during a breast reduction procedure, the techniques used by today’s plastic surgeons will help to preserve much of the sensations. It is necessary to move the nipples to achieve the most natural looking results following surgery. Because of the procedure, it is normal to experience some numbness and tingling in the nipples and breasts. As these sensations subside, you will gradually regain feeling to the nerves. Permanent nerve damage is much less likely today than before.
Many patients are able to preserve the use of their milk ducts as well, enabling them to breastfeed later on. While many surgeries are recommended only for those women who are finished having children and nursing, the medical need for breast reduction makes it a little different than other procedures. Patients who still have plans for a family can have this surgery and do not need to wait. Simply make your plans known to your plastic surgeon, who can work to ensure the preservation of your nipple function during surgery.
Does My Plastic Surgeon Matter That Much?
When it comes to a delicate surgery like breast reduction, the skill of your plastic surgeon can be the deciding factor in the success of your results. A surgery like this, which must involve an aesthetic eye as well as medical know-how, shouldn’t be a gamble for any patient. To guarantee your satisfaction, the most important thing you can do is to carefully select a surgeon with the qualifications, personality, and experience you need.
Consult with Dr. Ronald Lohner, an experienced and board certified plastic surgeon based in Philadelphia who offers male breast reductions to his patients as a solution for gynecomastia. He completed his undergraduate education at Dartmouth College and medical school at UMDNJ-Rutgers. Currently, Dr. Lohner is Chief of Plastic Surgery at Bryn Mawr Hospital and holds a faculty appointment at the University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine. His peers have selected him as a Philadelphia-area Top Doctor for the last eight years. His office is located at [primary_address] in [primary_city], [primary_statefull], on the Main Line. Please call his office at [primary_phone] to schedule a consultation for your liposuction procedure.