What Makes a Candidate Good for Breast Reduction? banner

What Makes a Candidate Good for Breast Reduction?

While many breast procedures focus on enhancing or augmenting the breasts, the surgical ability to remove breast tissue and reduce breast size can be just as important. Overly large breasts can cause problems on the grand scale, from pain and discomfort to frustration and depression to social anxiety and self-esteem problems. Referred to as macromastia, excessively large breasts can harm a woman’s health, mental state, and overall well-being. Breast reduction surgery can be a truly life-changing surgery for the right patient, but how can you be sure that you qualify?

Your Health and Well-Being

First and foremost, your current overall health is an integral part of your eligibility for any surgical procedure. You should be in good health and without any medical conditions that could interrupt the healing process after your breast reduction. You should also not smoke and have generally healthy lifestyle habits, including proper diet and regular exercise. All of these factors can aid in your body’s readiness to change and heal during the critical days post-op.

Your Breasts and Body Proportion

One of the first questions your plastic surgeon will ask is whether your breasts are proportionate to your body. Breasts that are too heavy for the frame carrying them can cause many health problems, like chronic back pain and fatigue. In most cases when a breast reduction is considered, it is obvious from first glance that the breasts and body proportions aren’t matching up. Although your plastic surgeon will still do a body exam and take measurements to plan your surgery, he or she will already understand the full scope of your concerns. His or her aim will be to create breasts that are appropriate for your body frame, thus alleviating the strain your upper body has been putting on your spine, hips, and even your feet.

Your Breasts and Your Everyday Life

A major complaint among women seeking breast reduction surgery is how much their breasts just get in their way. If you often avoid running or jumping because of the pain you experience, your breasts are too heavy. Bending down, reaching over, holding your children and other daily activities can be severely impeded by breasts that are too large. This can be frustrating for the women who experience it. Even physically fit, active women can struggle with overly large breasts, but if their activities are limited, it may be a struggle to keep up their healthy lifestyle. Find some relief of your own by contacting a plastic surgeon for a breast reduction consultation today.

Signs and Symptoms of Overly Large Breasts

Yes, it’s usually obvious to women that their breasts are large. But how can you be sure that your breasts are too large? After all, if it’s all you’ve ever known, you have no basis for comparison to women with breasts that are sized well for their frames. Look for these signs and symptoms as reassurance that seeking a breast reduction is a good idea for you:

  • Constant or frequent back, neck, and shoulder pain
  • Deep indents from where your bra straps lay on your shoulders
  • Breast discomfort during and after exercise and physical activities
  • Difficulty finding clothing that fits your breasts and your body at the same time
  • Shyness or social avoidance because of embarrassment over breast size
  • Consistent thoughts that smaller breasts would make life easier for you
  • Heavy breasts that sag when you remove your bra
  • Pendulous-shaped breasts with nipples that point downward

Meet with Dr. Lohner to Plan Your Breast Reduction

Take the first step toward your happier, healthier body by planning your breast reduction surgery. Consult with Dr. Ronald Lohner, an experienced and board certified plastic surgeon based in Philadelphia who also offers male breast reductions to his male patients.

Dr. Lohner completed his undergraduate education at Dartmouth College and medical school at UMDNJ-Rutgers. Currently, Dr. Lohner is Chief of Plastic Surgery at Bryn Mawr Hospital and holds a faculty appointment at the University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine. His peers have selected him as a Philadelphia area Top Doctor for the last eight years. His office is located at [primary_address] in [primary_city], [primary_statefull], on the Main Line. Please call his office at [primary_phone] to schedule a consultation.